Voodoo Wicca Ritual

Revolutionary Combination of Magick

The Only Coven To Offer These Spells

The universe consists of energy and secret knowledge, both of which we have mastered and can use as we please. With ancient Voodoo and Wicca magic techniques, we have combined two opposing energies into a super magic solution. It's like Yin and Yang, balancing each other and working in harmony to solve any problem you are facing!

Just like thousands of clients before you, dare to dream big and be amazed at the incredible results our spells deliver. You will wish you had come to us first!

With over 75 years of combined experience in casting spells, banishing evil spirits, and psychic readings, the Voodoo-Wicca Coven of Aishali is led by High Priestess Mayliana, who will take great care of you when you purchase one of our magick spells.

About High Priestess Mayliana

High Priestess Mayliana's journey to mastering Voodoo and Wicca magick was challenging. Born into a family of healers and practitioners of traditional African spirituality, she was eager to learn the ancient arts, despite her father's initial reluctance. Through secretive study and clandestine visits to the market, she honed her skills and gained recognition as a talented practitioner.

Her knowledge and mastery of Voodoo and Wicca magick continued to grow, and she eventually became known as one of the world's most powerful and respected practitioners and she was invited to join a coven of skilled practitioners where she excelled and rose to a leadership position. Now, as the leader of the Voodoo-Wicca Coven of Aishali, she shares her knowledge and expertise with those seeking to unlock their potential in the ancient arts of magick. Her journey is a testament to determination, perseverance, and the unyielding human spirit.

Why Our Clients Come back For More

The Secret Is Our Success Rate

We are five highly acclaimed spell casters who studied the ancient scrolls of Wicca and studied under the finest Voodoo priests in all of West Africa! Each spell we cast for you is of the highest level of excellence. 99% of our clients see results with their first spell cast by us (the rest by the complimentary re-cast). That is a better track record than any other coven out there! That's why we are a 5-star choice!

"I love you so much, if only you really knew. You never cease to amaze me with your response. You're one of the best people God placed in my life. You're my guardian angels here on earth." - Felicita Frescas, Barcelona, Spain

Unlimited Possibilities

Dream Big


Premium Solutions

All our spells are cast using a unique combination of voodoo and wicca magick. Your spell will be performed by the whole coven with the guidance of High Priestess Mayliana. We harness great amounts of energy, and our spells are very potent. If you can't find what you are looking for, or your situation seems very hard, contact us directly to have a custom-made spell cast.

If you are looking for the fastest and most permanent results, choose the boosted version of the spell. We will remove all negative energies you might have accumulated in your life and protect you from future negative energies.
Order your spell now, and let us change your life for the better!


Extreme Money Spell

Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Money Combo Spell

Not many of us are born with a silver spoon, and we need help reaching the next level and financial freedom. This spell is 5x more potent than if cast any other day in the year. Love is fantastic, but it's easier to enjoy life to the fullest with money. Solve your money problems and start living the life you always wanted!

This spell has a pre-set combo:

  • Getting much higher monthly income in general
  • Draw a large one time amount of money
  • Remove debt

149 USD (199) 189 USD (258) With Energy Boost

Recommended to add the booster spell: "Positive Energy Injection", to your order. Scroll down to read.

Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Love Spell Combo

Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Love Spell Combo

Share your life with someone special and live a happy life together. This will be your reality after we've cast your unique and powerful "Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Love Spell Combo". We will help you address up to 4 targeted problems you wish to resolve. Cast by five spell casters will make this spell up to 10x more potent than usual! Fill out the contact form after you placed your order.

Examples below:

  • Break someone up
  • Make someone love you
  • Make your relationship happy
  • Stop interference in relationship
  • Draw your soulmate
  • Make lover more sexual
  • Make your lover faithful
  • And much more!

149 USD (199) 189 USD (258) With Energy Boost

Recommended to add the booster spell: "Positive Energy Injection", to your order. Scroll down to read.

Voodoo-Wicca  Protection Spell

Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Protection Spell

Are you tired of bad luck and bad energies? Let us remove it for you. Afraid of future problems? Let us protect you! This combo spell can target three areas regarding protection and curse-removals. This very potent spell combo can ensure long-term protection. Cast by the whole coven makes the spell up to 5x more potent than regular casts!


  • Remove a curse (any magick)
  • Remove bad energies
  • Protection against bad people
  • Protection against magick (future curses or hexes)
  • Protection against deadly diseases
  • And more!

149 USD (199) 189 USD (258) With Energy Boost

Recommended to add the booster spell: "Positive Energy Injection", to your order. Scroll down to read.

 Beauty Spells Combo

Extreme Voodoo-Wicca Beauty Spell

It is time for you to glow! You can be beautiful as a model with this spell. Try it! Choose three things you want to change in you. Cast by the whole coven makes the spell up to 5x more potent than regular casts!

Examples of changes:

  • Weight loss/gain
  • Change skin color
  • Skin smoothness
  • Remove acne/scars
  • Eye color
  • Minor changes to the nose
  • Change breast size
  • Etc

149 USD (199) 189 USD (258) With Energy Boost

Recommended to add the booster spell: "Positive Energy Injection", to your order. Scroll down to read.

Positive Energies

Positive Energy Injection booster

Why does it take such a long time for results? Why did the spell fail? That is easy to explain. You have bad karma and possibly a failing aura. With our "Positive Energy Injection spell," we will remove ALL bad energies, and you will start having results with other spells! We cast this one hour before your other spell for maximum results!

Cleansing abilities:

  • Remove ALL bad karma you gathared through life
  • Restore perfect Aura glow
  • Rebuild a positive karma - enabling fast results with other spells

44 USD (59)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are your spells so powerful?

Answer: We use the positive energies generated during our unique spell casts. In each ritual we perform, we combine the best of Voodoo and Wicca and create new potent spells. We are always five spell casters during each cast, as the spells are so powerful and dangerous for one spell caster to handle alone.

2.Can I have a custom spell cast instead?

Answer: Yes, if you wish to become a VIP client, then use the contact form and get a free consultation. We will create the perfect cast just for you!

3.Is this safe?

Answer: Yes! We use the purest of energies and intentions. Our spells will not backfire or produce negative energies. You can only benefit from our hard work.

4. How long does it take for the spell to give desired results?

Answer: It depends from case to case, but most of our clients see results within six weeks on average.

5. Do you have a guarantee that your work will work for me?

Answer: We are so confident in our spells that we offer a free recast if you have yet to see results after seven weeks or a full refund after six months. You can always feel assured using our service.

6.How do I pay?

Answer: Click the buy now button for the spell you want, and then pay with a debit card, credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal. All payments are encrypted and secure.

7. What happens after I pay?

Answer: You will be redirected to a contact form. If not, then use this contact form to contact us.

8. What information do you need from me?

Answer: The more, the better, we say. Your full name, birth date, country, and situation are the minimum information needed.

Happy Clients

VIP Testimonials

Happy Clients

I purposely didn't want to give you much information. Consider me a skeptic. As I said when you are good you are good. But here is a semi short version. I want to show you how right on the spot you are.... All I can say is WOW!!! You told me what I need to know for now, you cast my spell successfully, and in return I give you many THANKS!!!! I am sure a few of my friend will be in touch. Janice Travis, FL, USA

My husband Richard and I just love you. You saved our marriage, Gabrielle Stockton, New Zeeland.

Do all of your spells work this fast? You said you did my reunite lovers spell only Fri and Sun Angelica called me and said she missed me - I am still scratching my head to figure out if this is a fluke or you are really that good. All I can say for now is - WOW!
Austin Henderson, Perth, Australia

It is me again, Remember? I am writing to let you know that I have got THE job with most of the wish list fulfilled. I started work 3 days ago after you cast the spell in early Feb. I will call upon you if I need your assistance. Thank you so much. Sandra, Taiwan

I actually cried when I read the information. I do know that my own fears are holding me back and I am trying to be strong enough to do what I know I need to do. Your readings have always indicated that the connection between Jason and me is strong and I am the one holding it back. When payday rolls around I will be back to request a more in depth reading. I know where my heart really is, I just need to be brave enough to get there. Thank you so very much for the reading. Carol in New York, NY

The advice that you gave me regarding my ex-boy friend, helped me to summon up the courage to change things for the better. I recently met a lovely man just as you're psychics predicted, it's unbelievable just how much we've got in common. Your soulmate spell has brought me happiness. I've told all my friends about you.
Jenny. Glasgow, Scottland

"I thanked my friend for letting me know about I your website esp.because and I got to talk to you about my problems. Because of you, I have so much more strength now, I was at the point that when I went to sleep at night, I really didn't want to wake up. But now it is so different. Thank you so much"
J.O, Netherlands

This is such a wonderful professional -- and I am so grateful for her insights and her discernment. It has been very uplifting. / Heather Adams, Houston, USA

I am a repeat client -- for the simple fact -- that coven of aishali is very very good. Professional, accurate, sincere and very experienced. Thank you for your work!
Thomas E, Birmingham, U.K.

Peder Salomonsen, Norway

I've been lucky financially lately since the spell was cast. coincidence? dont think so.
Juliana Williams, Seattle

I waited, its near the end but she is good IT WORKED! IT WORKED! Try her Now!
L.J. Dallas, USA

Far the best psychics spell casters I ever experience..1st,2nd,3rd reading was 100% accurate. I am ordering a custom love spell now. Thank you for all.
Jarmo Järväskylää, Helsinki, Finland

I am seeing good changes at work already. Thank you. I needed this break.
Stefani, Bern, Germany

I found your site by accident, and I am quite happy I did. After wading through a lot of other sites and meeting a lot of fake psychics, I found a great gal right away that is honest, funny, and very attractive We are getting married on April 24th 2021. We are both go to the same church and sing in their choir. Our church is pretty big anyways. We started out as friends and ended up starting a relationship which has fully blossomed and now I have asked her to marry me! SHE SAID YES!!! thanks to your spells! I have found the love of my life.l thank those who have made this site possible and l shall recommend to those who are still looking for their soulmate.
Thank you and God bless
Garth Thomas, Darwin, Australia

Thank you so much for the wonderful inspiration and faith which you share in your new letters. It helps me get through another day, a day closer to Glory. All my love, Beatrice.

She is there for you when you need her and she cares about her clients. Those 10,20, 30 dollar spells you see on the net are so fake. Plus they don't even work. Believe me. I tried them all. After you have spoke with high pristess Mayliana you will feel a bond. It is so amazing and I hope you will get the chance to order her services. Thank you and god bless.
Kathleen Ebersohn, Pretoria, South Africa

At first I was very sceptical…magick stuff? It was very strange for me. I've send mayliana an email. Described my situation and what I need. She answered very quick. She answered all of my questions. She sound very serious. She was so nice and patient. So, I've decided for her help and ordered a custom love spell. I put all my trust and hopes in her, ok, sometimes I was not really sure.Cause it was something new for me, magick cermony. She explained me the steps she would do. She started in May.The first success was in early July to see. He broke up his new relationship! Then he suddenly started to flirt with me. wow, it was unbelievable. He tried to call his attention to me. Some weeks later we were a couple again! We're now so happy together. Now, we're engaged! It's so great.Guys, when you really need help, high priestess Mayliana is the person you look for! She is really amazing! Thanks a lot high pristess Mayliana!
Isabelle Janic, Venice, Italy

My circumstances changed within 2 months and I found an investor with whom I entered into a partnership and built a shopping complex. After 3 years now with Mayliana's blessings I am the owner of 5 Super-markets and leading a prosperous life."
Sarah William Jones, Real Estate Consultant, Miami, USA

I can see many positive changes in life. Since the last 5 years I have been confused and unsure, and was losing my perspective of life. I had qualified for something but was doing something else. I can see much more clearer now, and I think I know what I want to do in life. I can finally see myself moving in the right direction. Thanks for all your help & blessings." - Susan Gilson, Software Engineer, San Jose, USA.

Thanks for offering this excellent SPELL to those whose lives have been ruined by jealous and mean relatives/friends. You have very aptly put on your website that Black magic is like a horrible disease - and it can totally destroy a person's happiness and prosperity. Only those suffering from it are aware of its agonizing results. You have saved many lives from this destruction by giving them proper guidance and treatment at the right time." - Kate Fletcher

My wife came back home after 10 days. You cast the spell! thank you high priestess Mayliana! - Eric S. Los Angeles, USA


Your money spell changed my situation so much i cannot even tell you. i got many gift from a stranger. it was totally unexpected but just what i needed. merry meet - Stanos, Greece

Madam! I am crazy or what? that voodoo spell changed my life! I won 13349 DKK last friday and 15543 DKK today at bingo! you should sell them for thousands! thanks . Rick Pedersen, Odense, Denmark